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Portland, Oregon is a vibrant city that is home to a diverse population of individuals and businesses. With its thriving economy, picturesque landscapes, and abundance of outdoor activities, Portland has become a highly sought-after location for both residents and companies alike. As a result, the demand for reliable and affordable internet services has grown significantly in recent years.

To meet this demand, a number of internet service providers (ISPs) have established a presence in Portland, offering a wide range of options for residents and businesses to choose from. These ISPs provide a variety of services, including high-speed internet, cable TV, and phone services. Some ISPs also offer specialized services, such as fiber optic internet and dedicated internet access.

In this article, we will explore the various internet service providers available in Portland, Oregon, and discuss the factors to consider when choosing an ISP. We will also provide an overview of the different types of internet services available and the pricing options offered by the various ISPs.

internet service providers portland oregon

Reliable and Affordable Options

  • Variety of Providers:
  • High-Speed Internet:
  • Competitive Pricing:

With a wide range of internet service providers to choose from, Portland residents and businesses have access to reliable and affordable internet options. Providers offer high-speed internet, cable TV, and phone services, with some also providing specialized services like fiber optic internet. The competitive pricing landscape ensures that consumers can find plans that fit their budget and needs.

Variety of Providers:

Portland, Oregon is fortunate to have a diverse range of internet service providers (ISPs) catering to the needs of its residents and businesses. This variety ensures that consumers have a choice when it comes to selecting an ISP that offers the right combination of speed, reliability, and affordability.

Some of the major ISPs operating in Portland include:

  • CenturyLink: Offers a wide range of internet plans, including fiber optic and DSL, as well as TV and phone services.
  • Xfinity (Comcast): Provides cable internet, TV, and phone services, with a strong focus on high-speed internet.
  • Frontier Communications: Offers DSL and fiber optic internet, as well as TV and phone services, with a focus on rural and underserved areas.
  • Ziply Fiber: Specializes in fiber optic internet, providing ultra-fast speeds and reliable connections.
  • Astound Broadband (formerly Wave Broadband): Offers cable internet, TV, and phone services, with a focus on providing affordable and reliable connections.

In addition to these major providers, there are also a number of smaller, local ISPs that operate in Portland. These ISPs often offer competitive pricing and specialized services that may be attractive to certain customers.

With such a wide range of ISPs to choose from, Portland residents and businesses have the flexibility to select the provider that best suits their needs and budget.

High-Speed Internet:

Portland, Oregon is recognized for its high-speed internet connectivity. Many of the internet service providers (ISPs) operating in the city offer plans with speeds of up to 1 gigabit per second (Gbps) or higher, making it easy for residents and businesses to access lightning-fast internet.

Fiber optic internet is a popular choice for high-speed internet in Portland. Fiber optic cables transmit data using light, which allows for much faster speeds and lower latency compared to traditional copper cables. Several ISPs in Portland offer fiber optic internet plans, including Ziply Fiber, CenturyLink, and Frontier Communications.

Cable internet is another common option for high-speed internet in Portland. Cable internet uses the same coaxial cables that are used for cable TV to deliver internet service. Xfinity (Comcast) and Astound Broadband (formerly Wave Broadband) are the primary providers of cable internet in Portland.

In addition to fiber optic and cable internet, some ISPs in Portland also offer DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) internet. DSL internet uses existing phone lines to deliver internet service. While DSL internet is generally not as fast as fiber optic or cable internet, it is a more affordable option and may be suitable for users with basic internet needs.

With a variety of high-speed internet options available, Portland residents and businesses can easily find a plan that meets their speed and budget requirements.

Competitive Pricing:

Portland, Oregon is fortunate to have a competitive internet service provider (ISP) market, which has resulted in affordable pricing for consumers. ISPs in Portland offer a range of plans and pricing options to suit different budgets and needs.

For budget-conscious consumers, there are a number of affordable internet plans available. For example, Xfinity (Comcast) offers an internet plan with speeds of up to 25 Mbps for around $30 per month. CenturyLink also offers a budget-friendly plan with speeds of up to 10 Mbps for around $25 per month.

For consumers who need faster speeds, there are a variety of plans available at competitive prices. For example, Ziply Fiber offers a plan with speeds of up to 1 gigabit per second (Gbps) for around $60 per month. Frontier Communications also offers a gigabit internet plan for around $70 per month.

In addition to regular pricing, many ISPs in Portland offer promotional pricing for new customers. These promotions can include discounted rates for the first few months of service or free installation and equipment. Consumers should compare prices and promotions from different ISPs to find the best deal.

Overall, the competitive pricing landscape in Portland ensures that consumers have access to affordable and high-quality internet services.


To assist you further, here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about internet service providers in Portland, Oregon:

Question 1: Which internet service provider (ISP) offers the fastest internet speeds in Portland?
Answer 1: Ziply Fiber is known for providing the fastest internet speeds in Portland, with plans offering speeds of up to 1 gigabit per second (Gbps) or higher.

Question 2: Which ISP offers the most affordable internet plans in Portland?
Answer 2: Xfinity (Comcast) and CenturyLink offer some of the most affordable internet plans in Portland, with plans starting at around $25 per month.

Question 3: Do any ISPs in Portland offer fiber optic internet?
Answer 3: Yes, Ziply Fiber, CenturyLink, and Frontier Communications all offer fiber optic internet plans in Portland.

Question 4: Can I bundle internet, TV, and phone services from one ISP in Portland?
Answer 4: Yes, many ISPs in Portland offer bundled services that include internet, TV, and phone. This can be a convenient and cost-effective way to get all your services from one provider.

Question 5: Are there any data caps or usage limits on internet plans in Portland?
Answer 5: Some ISPs in Portland may have data caps or usage limits on certain internet plans. It is important to check the terms and conditions of your plan before signing up to avoid any unexpected charges.

Question 6: How can I compare internet plans and pricing from different ISPs in Portland?
Answer 6: There are a number of online resources that allow you to compare internet plans and pricing from different ISPs in Portland. You can also contact the ISPs directly to get more information about their plans and pricing.

Question 7: What should I consider when choosing an internet service provider in Portland?
Answer 7: When choosing an ISP in Portland, you should consider factors such as speed, reliability, price, customer service, and any additional features or services that are important to you.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about internet service providers in Portland, Oregon. For more information, you can visit the websites of the individual ISPs or contact them directly.

In addition to the information provided in the FAQ, here are some tips for choosing an internet service provider in Portland:


Here are some practical tips to help you choose the best internet service provider in Portland, Oregon:

Tip 1: Determine Your Internet Needs

Consider your internet usage habits and needs. If you are a casual internet user who only needs basic internet for browsing, checking email, and social media, you may not need a high-speed plan. However, if you are a gamer, streamer, or work from home, you will need a faster and more reliable connection.

Tip 2: Compare Plans and Pricing

Research and compare internet plans and pricing from different ISPs in Portland. Consider factors such as speed, data caps, and any additional fees or charges. Take advantage of promotional pricing and bundles that may be available.

Tip 3: Read Reviews and Ask for Recommendations

Read online reviews and ask friends, family, or neighbors for recommendations on internet service providers in Portland. This can give you valuable insights into the reliability, customer service, and overall experience with different ISPs.

Tip 4: Consider Installation and Equipment Fees

Be aware of any installation or equipment fees that may be charged by the ISP. Some ISPs offer free installation or equipment, while others may charge a fee. Factor these costs into your decision-making process.

Closing Paragraph for Tips

By following these tips, you can make an informed decision when choosing an internet service provider in Portland, Oregon. Consider your needs, compare plans and pricing, read reviews, and be aware of any additional fees. With a little research, you can find the best ISP to meet your requirements and budget.

With the variety of internet service providers, high-speed internet options, and competitive pricing available in Portland, you are sure to find a plan that meets your needs and budget. Take the time to research and compare different ISPs and plans to ensure you get the best value for your money.


Portland, Oregon is fortunate to have a diverse range of internet service providers (ISPs) offering high-speed internet, competitive pricing, and a variety of plans to suit different needs and budgets.

With major ISPs like CenturyLink, Xfinity (Comcast), Frontier Communications, Ziply Fiber, and Astound Broadband operating in the city, consumers have a choice when it comes to selecting an ISP that provides the right combination of speed, reliability, and affordability.

Whether you need blazing-fast speeds for gaming and streaming or a more affordable option for basic internet needs, there is an ISP in Portland that can meet your requirements.

To choose the best ISP for you, consider your internet usage habits, compare plans and pricing, read reviews, and be aware of any additional fees. By following these tips, you can make an informed decision and find the best internet service provider in Portland, Oregon.

Closing Message

With the ever-growing demand for reliable and high-speed internet, Portland’s ISPs are constantly innovating and improving their services. This competitive landscape ensures that consumers continue to benefit from affordable pricing, faster speeds, and better overall internet experiences.

Internet Service Providers Portland Oregon